Presenting our new Strategic Plan
The Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region (COPPeR) is pleased to share our newest strategic plan, which will guide our efforts through the year 2020. Special thanks to the over 600 people across our community whose feedback informed the development of this plan.
- Strategic Plan Brief (1 page)
- Full Strategic Plan (9 pages)
Produced in cooperation with Rader Consulting LLC, this plan clearly articulates COPPeR’s vision and goals for building “a thriving community united by creativity.” In addition to stating our four strategic goals and their associated strategies, the plan highlights our overarching five-year priorities, and establishes important “boundaries” that will help to remind the COPPeR Board and staff what we should not be doing over the next five years.
All in all, we hope you’ll agree that this new strategic plan is a powerful tool that will help COPPeR to continue its important work in our community!
Cultural Office’s Executive Director joins United States Urban Arts Federation Executive Committee
Members of Americans for the Arts, the leading organization for advancing the arts and arts education in America, have elected Andy Vick as a member of their Executive Committee for the United States Urban Arts Federation (USUAF), an alliance of the chief executives of local arts agencies in the nation’s 60 largest cities (the City of Colorado Springs is number 42 by population). These leaders advocate, network, and meet to discuss the social, educational, and economic impact of the arts in their regions.
“This is an important opportunity to elevate the visibility of Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region on a national stage,” says Andy. Robert L. Lynch, president and CEO of Americans for the Arts, adds, “I applaud Andy for his valued contribution and commitment that will undoubtedly improve the state of arts in America.”
Congratulations, Andy!
Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 Study
In 2016, COPPeR will once again lead the local effort of a national research study, Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 Study (AEP5), in partnership with Americans for the Arts. This study, conducted every 5 years, measures the economic impact and vitality of our nonprofit arts & cultural sector in the Pikes Peak region. A great article about our local study ran in the January 13 issue of The Gazette.
Full participation from the arts community is critical to the study’s success. More information, including the full PowerPoint that was presented on January 28 at the Coffee with COPPeR event on this topic can be found at:
“My Artistic Vision Into the Colorado Landscape”
Opening Friday, February 5, 5-8 p.m.
Painter Terri Sanchez presents her newest series of oil paintings, depicting the Colorado landscape and its changing seasons. Meet Terri and talk with her about her work during the opening reception, part of First Fridays Downtown, on Friday, February 5 from 5-8 p.m.
Her work is on exhibit at COPPeR’s Office & Arts Info Space from February 5-March 25, 2016. Hours are Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm. Learn more about Terri’s work on her studio website.
Applause, please …
COPPeR shares exciting stories of success and impact from across the community on Let us know about YOUR success stories: e-mail us at
- Studio 101‘s inspiring work in arts education in Old Colorado City was highlighted in The Gazette on Jan. 4.
- The Invest in the Springs Survey results included arts & culture as the #3 priority for public investment in our region.
- Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum opened their newest exhibit, City of Sunshine, on Jan. 15-16.
- Artist Tracy Miller‘s painting, “Bulldog Ben”, is featured in the 2016 Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff catalog and was selected among thousands of entries for the honor.
- Fly Hi Filming and Pikes Peak Trickersreleased a great new video shot in Acacia Park, set to the music of The ReMINDers. (See pic below.)
- Artist Sean O’Meallie installed an interactive sculpture, “SpinGo Burger,” at Bingo Burger in Downtown Colorado Springs.
- The Cultural Office hosted another successful AIR:ShiftTM Workshop on Jan. 22-24 – our appreciation to all who made it possible! Click for photos.
- Colorado Springs Philharmonic announced that beloved conductor Josep Caballe-Domenech has extended his contract indefinitely.
Local Public Art Calls for Artists
Two of the most exciting local public art exhibitions in our region have issued their calls for artists for 2016. Spread the word and help them enliven our landscape with even more creativity!
- Art on the Streets – Downtown Partnership, Colorado Springs. DEADLINE: February 16, 2016
- ArtSITES 2016 – Tri-Lakes Views, Town of Monument. DEADLINE March 31, 2016